Latest Waste and resource management reports

in: Research EPA Research Reports
Research 254 thumbnail

Research 254: TaLAM: Mapping Land Cover in Lowlands and Uplands with Satellite Imagery

Authors: Fiona Cawkwell, Christoph Raab, Brian Barrett, Stuart Green and John Finn, August 2018

Year: 2018

The Towards Land Cover Accounting and Monitoring (TaLAM) project is part of Ireland’s response to creating a national land cover mapping programme. Its aims are to demonstrate how the new digital map of Ireland, Prime2, from Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI), can be combined with satellite imagery to produce land cover maps.

Research 241 thumbnail

Research 241: Research of Upcycling Supports to Increase Re-use, with a Focus on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (UpWEEE)

Authors: Michael Johnson, Kathleen McMahon and Colin Fitzpatrick, March 2018

Year: 2018

This report provides a range of recommendations aimed at supporting preparation for re-use of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that will support the extension and development of this activity in Ireland.

Policy Issues in Eight Selected EU Countries thumbnail

Key Waste Policy Issues in Eight Selected EU Countries

Annex to Review of Current Priorities and Emerging Issues in European Waste Policy, October 2017

Year: 2017

Annex to the Report: Review of Current Priorities and Emerging Issues in European Waste Policy

Review of Current Priorities - European Waste Policy thumbnail

A Review of Current Priorities and Emerging Issues in European Waste Policy

Year: 2017

This report sets out to assess key current issues, and important emerging issues, in the waste policy arena in the European Commission, and in selected Member States.

Research 201 thumbnail

Research 201: Investigation of Liquid Crystal Displays as a Source of Indium

Authors: Lisa O’Donoghue and Paul Moroney, August 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 201 detailing the Investigation of Liquid Crystal Displays as a Source of Indium

Research 213 thumbnail

Research 213: Material Reuse Good Practice Guide

Authors: Sarah Miller, Jackie McGloughlin, Olivier Gaillot and Louise Connolly, May 2017

Year: 2017

This report is a Material Reuse Good Practice Guide for anyone interested in extending the life-cycle of their items

Research 202 thumbnail

Research 202: Review of Waste/Resource Exchange Systems and Good Practice Guide

Authors: Louise Connolly, Brian McIntyre, Serena Byrne, Brenda McEvoy and Louise Campion, May 2017

Year: 2017

This report is a Review of Waste/Resource Exchange Systems and Good Practice Guide

Research 190 thumbnail

Research 190: Biopolymer Production from Irish Dairy Industry Wastewaters

Authors: Anca Minescu, David Wall, Jerry Murphy, Alan Dobson and Niall O’ Leary, October 2016

Year: 2016

This report examines issues surrounding non-sustainable plastic production, use and disposal and highlights the challenges associated with limited commercial uptake of wholly biodegradable polymers.

Research Report 186 thumbnail

Research Report 186: The Development of a Model to Ascertain Future Levels of Historic WEEE Arising (Historic WEEE)

Authors: Michael Johnson and Colin Fitzpatrick, August 2016

Year: 2016

Using a range of data sources including census data, historical WEEE audits and comprehensive sampling this project employed material flow analysis and statistical methods (Weibull Probability Density Function) to estimate future return rates of historical WEEE.

Research Report 173 thumbnail

Research Report 173 - The Characterisation of Dairy Waste and the Potential of Whey for Industrial Fermentation

Authors: Michael P. Ryan and Gary Walsh, July 2016

Year: 2016

Research Report 173 detailing The Characterisation of Dairy Waste and the Potential of Whey for Industrial Fermentation

Research 160 thumbnail

Research 160 - Investigation of Novel Technologies and New Procedures for Environmental Enforcement

Year: 2015

This project identifies novel technologies for environmental enforcement to support local authorities.

Research 146 Design Out thumbnail

Research 146 Design out Waste Factsheets

Year: 2015

This study has moved the focus towards the top of the waste hierarchy by investigating the implementation of waste reduction strategies during the design and construction phases of two selected case studies, through a close collaboration with Scott Tallon Walker Architects and John Sisk & Son.

Research 146 thumbnail

Research 146 - A Review of Design and Construction Waste Management Practices in Selected Case Studies – Lessons Learned

Year: 2015

This study has moved the focus towards the top of the waste hierarchy by investigating the implementation of waste reduction strategies during the design and construction phases of two selected case studies, through a close collaboration with Scott Tallon Walker Architects and John Sisk & Son.

Research 128 thumbnail

Research 128: Roadmap for a National Resource Efficiency Plan for Ireland

Authors: Tadhg Coakley, Dermot Cunningham & Caroline Kelly, September 2014

Year: 2014

The purpose of this study was to assess the current situation in Ireland and elsewhere with regard to resource efficiency and to recommend how, by the development of a roadmap, Irish performance could be improved.

STRIVE 122 - Summary of Findings

STRIVE 122 - Dr Lisa O'Donoghue, February 2014

Year: 2014

This project looks at new methods to safely and cheaply recycle LCD screens.

STRIVE 122 thumbnail

STRIVE 122 - State-of-the-Art Recycling Technology for Liquid Crystal Displays

STRIVE 122 - Dr Lisa O'Donoghue, February 2014

Year: 2014

This project looks at new methods to safely and cheaply recycle LCD screens


STRIVE 110 - Summary of Findings

Summary of STRIVE 110 - 'RE-Evaluate - Re-use of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Evaluation and Mainstreaming)', January 2014

Year: 2014

Summary of findings for STRIVE 110 - 'RE-Evaluate - Re-use of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Evaluation and Mainstreaming)'


STRIVE 110: RE-Evaluate - Re-use of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Evaluation and Mainstreaming)

STRIVE 110: Maurice O'Connell and Colin Fitzpatrick, January 2014

Year: 2014

Reuse is considered as a potential building block towards achieving more sustainable consumption of electrical and electronic equipment, covering environmental, economic and social dimensions.


STRIVE 101 - Summary of Findings

STRIVE 101 - Summary of Findings: Flow Photochemistry – A GREEN technology with a bright future , December 2013

Year: 2013

Currently, for every 1kg of active pharmaceutical product produced between 25 and 100kg of waste is generated. This project looks at new technologies that reduce water and energy requirements, offering cost savings and improved product yield, with less waste gnerated.

Publication thumbnail

Small Scale Study: Guidance on the beneficial use of dredging material

Dr Joseph Harrington & Gary Smith, November 2013

Year: 2013

This report provides guidance on the beneficial use of dredge material in Ireland. It provides information on dredge material characterisation, best international practice in dredge material management, a summary of current practice in Ireland and guidance on the relevant governing legislation.
