National radiation monitoring network

The EPA operates a network of radiation monitoring stations across Ireland for use in the event of an emergency.

The radiation monitoring stations consist of air samplers and instruments to measure the gamma dose rate.

National radiation monitoring network

In a nuclear emergency, the rapid collection and analysis of information is vital. As part of the National Emergency Plan, the EPA, with support from Met Éireann, local authorities and the Defence Forces operates a national network of round-the-clock radiation monitoring stations.

Triggering the alarm 

In the event of nuclear incident abroad, the alert would first be raised through the European Commission and the IAEA international notification systems. The Irish radiation monitoring network would then provide the first measurements of any radioactive cloud that reached Ireland. In addition, Ireland has a treaty with the UK so that Ireland will be informed directly in the event of a nuclear accident in the UK.

The location of the monitoring stations

Ireland has 15 online gamma dose rate radiation monitors and 5 online aerosol monitors at stations situated across the country.

How the data is collected

The radiation monitoring stations continuously measure the gamma dose rate. Data from the gamma dose rate monitors is continuously fed back to a central computer at the EPA. If elevated radiation levels are detected, an alarm system is automatically triggered.

In addition, the EPA operates a network of air sampling systems to supplement the gamma dose rate measurements. These systems continuously sample particles suspended in the air. In the case of a nuclear emergency these air filters will be analysed to ascertain the quantity and type of radionuclides present in the plume.

Radon washout

Occasionally, gamma radiation levels can increase temporarily due to a phenomenon called radon washout. This occurs when rain collects radon from the air and deposits it on the ground.

It results in a small - but detectable - increase in the gamma dose rate measurement, which usually lasts no more than few hours.This increase poses no health risk but may trigger the EPA alarm system – if this happens, the EPA duty officer examines the data to confirm whether or not the gamma dose rate has been caused by radon washout.

Additional monitoring 

In the event of a nuclear emergency, foodstuffs, livestock, soil, vegetation, water and other environmental samples will be monitored and analysed in the days and weeks after the accident.

For more information on post-emergency monitoring, see our FAQS section about the National Plan.

Working together to protect Ireland

Various other agencies help operate the continuous monitoring network:

  • Éireann
  • The Defence Forces
  • 3rd level institutions (UCD, WIT)
  • The local authorities in the areas where the monitoring stations are based