Advisory Committee Meeting 13 September 2021

Year: 2021

Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes held on 13 September 2021

Purchase Orders Quarter 3 2021 over €20,000

Year: 2021

The Public Sector Reform Plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20000. The EPA purchase orders over €20000 for Q3-2021

report  cover with a beach

EPA Annual Report & Accounts 2020

Year: 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency Annual Report and Accounts for 2020 provides details of the work undertaken during the year and includes the financial statements.

Advisory Committee Meeting 25 June 2021

Year: 2021

Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes held on 25 June 2021

Advisory Committee Meeting 28 April 2021

Year: 2021

Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes held on 28 April 2021

EPA submission on the 4th review of Ireland’s Nitrates Action Programme - 2nd consultation (EPA ref: EPAC-3621)

Year: 2021

This EPA submission, made on 17 September 2021, relates to the second-stage consultation about measures being considered as part of the fourth review of the Nitrates Action Programme by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. It builds on the EPA submission made in February 2021 on the first-stage consultation (EPAC-0121), and previous submissions on the interim review of the nitrates action programme in 2019, the Agrifood2030 strategy (now known as FoodVision2030) and the Agclimatise strategy. The EPA has also provided a submission to support the scoping for the Strategic Environmental Assessment.

National Inspection Plan 2022 – 2026: Draft for Consultation

Year: 2021

This consultation closed on Tuesday 2nd November 2021

EPA submission on the proposed Circular Economy Strategy (EPA ref: EPAC-2021)

Year: 2021

The EPA's submission in response to a public consultation on the proposed publication of the Circular Economy Strategy. The development of this strategy is expected to be a significant driver of the transition to a carbon neutral economy and opportunity for sustainable economic growth.

EPA Performance Delivery Agreement 2021 - 2023

Year: 2021

Performance Delivery Agreement 2021 - 2023 between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications and between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

EPA Oversight Agreement 2021-2023

Oversight Agreement 2021-2023 , September 2021

Year: 2021

Oversight Agreement 2021-2023 between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications and between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

EPA submission on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan consultation, August 2021 (EPA ref: EPAC-3521)

Year: 2021

EPA submission on early consultation about the development of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan (to provide feedback on the outline composition of the proposed interventions). This EPA submission should be read in conjunction with the EPA's submission on the Strategic Environmental Assessment scoping for the plan, dated 13th April 2021.

EPA submission on the Agri Food Strategy 2030 (EPA ref: EPAC-0821)

Year: 2021

EPA submission on the draft chapters “Executive Synthesis” and “Chapter on a Climate Smart and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Sector” in the Agri Food Strategy 2030.

EPA submission to the consultation on Expanding Ireland’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network (EPA ref: EPAC-0921)

Year: 2021

EPA submission to the public consultation by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on the expert advisory group report entitled “Expanding Ireland’s Marine Protected Area Network". In general terms, MPAs are geographically defined maritime areas with certain protections for conservation purposes. The Government aims to designate 30% of our maritime area as MPAs by 2030. Currently our MPA coverage is at 2.13%.

Purchase Orders Quarter 2 2021 over €20,000

Year: 2021

The Public Sector Reform Plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20000. The EPA purchase orders over €20000 for Q2-2021

Draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021 – 2027

Draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021-2027, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Natura Impact Statement for Public Consultation, July 2021

Year: 2021

Submissions are invited on the draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021-2027 and the supporting Strategic Environmental Assessment and Natura Impact Statement. Written submissions or observations can be made by email by 5pm on 17 September to The Environmental Protection Agency has prepared a draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan (NWHMP) for the period 2021 to 2027. This is the fourth National Hazardous Waste Management Plan and is made under Section 26 of the Waste Management Act 1996. It sets out the priorities to be pursued over the next six years and beyond to improve the prevention and management of hazardous waste, taking into account the progress made since the previous revised plan, and the waste policy and legislative changes that have occurred since the previous revised plan was published. The purpose of this plan is to protect the environment and human health in Ireland through best-practice management of hazardous wastes.

EPA submission to the consultation on the National Research and Innovation Strategy (EPA ref: EPAC-3121)

Year: 2021

EPA submission to the consultation by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science on the next national Research and Innovation Strategy that will run to 2027.

Climate Action Plan 2021 (EPA Ref: EPAC-1121.01)

Year: 2021

The EPA's submission to assist in the preparation of Ireland's Climate Action Plan, a roadmap to becoming a climate-neutral economy and resilient society by 2050.

EPA submission to Pre-Draft Consultation on the National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy (EPA ref: EPAC-1221)

Year: 2021

The EPA's submission to assist in the preparation of the National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy by the three Regional Waste Management Planning Lead Authorities.

Draft Agri-Food Strategy 2030 and SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2021

This is the EPA submission on the Draft/ER for Draft Agri-Food Strategy 2030 and SEA Environmental Report
