2015 in Review

Year: 2016

This report outlines the objectives and achievements of the EPA in 2015.

EPA submission to Exporting A Resource Opportunity consultation

Year: 2016

In early 2016, the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government invited comments from interested parties on the discussion paper ‘Exporting a Resource Opportunity? Measures to Maximize Resource Efficiency and Jobs in Ireland’. This document is the EPA response to the consultation.

Tuarascáil Bhliantúil agus Cuntais 2014

Year: 2016

Is é seo an tuarascáil bhliantúil do 2013

Report cover with scenery

EPA Annual Report & Accounts 2014

Year: 2016

The 2014 Environmental Protection Agency Annual Report and Accounts provides details of the work during the year and also includes the financial statements.

Consultation Issues - What you said and how we've responded

Year: 2016

As part of the development process of our new Strategic Plan 2016-2020, 'Our Environment, Our Wellbeing' we conducted a public consultation process on the draft plan during October-November 2015. The majority of submissions supported the broad objectives of the plan. This report is a summary of the major issues that were raised by the submissions and an explanation as to how the EPA can respond to them.

Plean Straitéiseach 2016-2020

Plean Straitéiseach 2016-2020

Year: 2016

Leagann an Plean Straitéiseach seo amach an méid atá sé i gceist againn a bhaint amach sna cúig bliana amach romhainn chun ár sainordú agus ár misean a chur i gcrích, is é sin ár gcomhshaol a chosaint agus a fheabhsú mar shócmhainn luachmhar do mhuintir na hÉireann.

Plean Straitéiseach 2016-2020

Year: 2016

Leagann an Plean Straitéiseach seo amach an méid atá sé i gceist againn a bhaint amach sna cúig bliana amach romhainn chun ár sainordú agus ár misean a chur i gcrích, is é sin ár gcomhshaol a chosaint agus a fheabhsú mar shócmhainn luachmhar do mhuintir na hÉireann.

EPA submission on the Suir Draft Flood Risk Management Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the EPA submission on the Suir Draft Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) and associated SEA Environmental Report which was made in December 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA submission on the Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports in December 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA submission on the Western CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the EPA submission on the Western CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports which was made in November 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA submission on the North Western-Neagh Bann CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports

Year: 2016

This is the EPA submission on the North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports made in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

South Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the submission made by the EPA on the South Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports, which was made in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

Shannon CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Shannon CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) and associated SEA Environmental Report. It was submitted in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA Initial Consultation Comments on FoodWise 2025 - January 2015

Year: 2015

The EPA's initial consultation comments on the Proposed FoodWise 2025 Strategy, as issued in January 2015.

EPA Submission on Draft Food Wise 2025 Strategy - August 2015

Year: 2015

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Draft Food Wise 2025 Strategy and associated SEA Environmental Report in August 2015. Note: The submission comprised two pdf files, the first covers the EPA's overall comments and recommendations, while the second includes specific comments on various chapters of the Strategy and SEA ER. These two files have been collated into one pdf file for the purposes of uploading to the website.

Purchase Orders Quarter 3 2015 over €20,000

Year: 2015

The Public Sector Reform Plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20000. The EPA purchase orders over €20000 for Q3-2015.

Purchase Orders Quarter 2 2015 over €20,000

Year: 2015

The Public Sector Reform Plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20000. The EPA purchase orders over €20000 for Q2-2015.

Purchase Orders Quarter 1 2015 over €20,000

Year: 2015

The Public Sector Reform Plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20000. The EPA purchase orders over €20000 for Q1-2015.

Purchase Orders Quarter 4 2014 over €20,000

Year: 2015

The Public Sector Reform Plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20000. The EPA purchase orders over €20000 for Q4-2014.
