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Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Synthesis Report

Year: 2024

The Synthesis Report acts as a concise summary of the most important science on climate change presented in the underlying volumes. Selected findings that are deemed of the highest policy and societal relevance from each underlying volume are integrated into the report. The synthesis report highlights the underlying volumes details, where the interested reader can discover further information.

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Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Volume 1

Summary for Policymakers, January 2024

Year: 2024

The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) provides key insights from Volume 1 of Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment: Climate Science – Ireland in a Changing World. Volume 1 focuses on the state of knowledge of the physical science basis of climate change, both globally and nationally.

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Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Volume 2

Summary for Policymakers, January 2024

Year: 2024

The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) provides key insights from Volume 2: Achieving Climate Neutrality by 2050. Volume 2 addresses the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050.

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Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Volume 3

Summary for Policymakers, January 2024

Year: 2024

The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) provides key insights from Volume 3: Being Prepared for Ireland’s Future Climate. Volume 3 covers the impacts we are likely to face and how we can prepare for these changes in an Irish context.

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Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Volume 4

Summary for Policymakers, January 2024

Year: 2024

The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) provides key insights from Volume 4: Realising the Benefits of Transition and Transformation. Volume 4 highlights the benefits, opportunities and synergies that can be achieved through transformation, and how they can be realised.

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Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Independent Commentary

Year: 2024

An independent commentary on Ireland's Climate Change Assessment.

SEA Pack

Year: 2024

We have compiled this 'pack' to help planning authorities when carrying out strategic environmental assessments (SEAs). It is based on our experience to date, as a statutory SEA Environmental Authority under the SEA Regulations. It takes account of current 'best' practice in the SEA process. We update this pack regularly and we also refer to it during SEA Scoping consultations. It has been last updated in January 2024.

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Dec 2023

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - December 2023

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for December 2023; published, January 2024

Year: 2024

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for December 2023 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland

epa logo

Landfill Gas Survey Return for 2023

Year: 2024

A survey of landfill sites to determine the quantity of methane flared and or recovered in utilisation plants for 2023

Image of the front cover of the LoW Guidance document

List of Waste (LoW) Guidance (Guidance Document & LoW Queries)

Draft Guidance on the Interpretation and Application of List of Waste Entries and Sub-Entries, December 2023

Year: 2023

Representatives from the Local Government Sector and the EPA have prepared Draft Guidance on the Interpretation and Application of List of Waste Entries and Sub-Entries. The aim of the guidance is to assist stakeholders to improve the consistency of data reporting at a local, Regional, National and European level. The document provides guidance on LoW chapters and sub-chapters that contain LoW entries where it has been identified that challenges exist. This includes all sub-chapters where sub-entries have been created. The draft guidance currently focuses on LoW entries under Chapters 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 20. It provides clarity on waste types that should be classified under relevant LoW entries and sub-entries listed therein.

Side image of stylised human head with various environmental-type graphics on it, e.g. wind turbines, trees.

Data Dictionary Climate Change in the Irish Mind Wave-1

Year: 2023

This supporting document contains a dictionary and provides associated supporting information to the CCIM.

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Nov 2023

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - November 2023

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for November 2023; published, December 2023

Year: 2023

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for November 2023 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland

Picture of Killarney National Park as cover image of report

Good practice guidance on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Landscape

Year: 2023

This document aims to provide guidance and ideas on how to take landscape considerations into account when carrying out strategic environmental assessments (SEA) of plans and programmes in Ireland.

An image of the front cover of the Circular Economy and Waste Statistics Highlights Report 2021

Circular Economy and Waste Statistics Highlights Report 2021

Year: 2023

This report gives the data highlights on waste generation and management in Ireland in 2021. Key trends and progress towards upcoming EU targets, along with information on material consumption and circularity are provided. A new spotlight section focuses on current topics in the circular economy area. An update to circular economy actions published in 2022 is given along with further actions that government, industry and individuals can make to help us transition towards a circular economy.

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Oct 2023

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - October 2023

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for October 2023; published, November 2023

Year: 2023

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for October 2023 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland

National Air Event 2023

Clean Air – Vital for our Health, October 2023

Year: 2023

Agenda for the National Air Event on 15 November 2023

Thumbnail image for UWW Report 2022

Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2022

Year: 2023

This report provides an overview of urban waste water treatment in Ireland during 2022. It identifies the priority issues that Uisce Éireann must address to protect our environment from the harmful effects of waste water discharges.
