íomhá clúdaigh don tuarascáil um Chaighdeán an Aeir in Éirinn 2021

Cáilíocht an Aeir in Éirinn

Tuarascáil 2021, January 2023

Year: 2023

Achoimre: Tá cáilíocht an aeir in Éirinn go maith go ginearálta, ach tá ceisteanna áitiúla imníoch a bhfuil tionchar diúltach acu ar an aer a análaimid. Chomhlíon Éire a riachtanais dhlíthiúla uile AE í 2021, ach níor chomhlíon sí na treoirlínte nua WHO bunaithe ar shláinte í 2021. Ba cheart d’Éirinn agus don Eoraip bogadh i dtreo treoirlínte cáilíochta aeir WHO atá bunaithe ar shláinte a bhaint amach.

Note of land evidence forum meeting, 19 January 2023

Year: 2023

Land evidence forum meeting notes 19 January 2023

epa logo

Landfill Gas Survey Return for 2022

Year: 2023

A survey of landfill sites to determine the quantity of methane flared and or recovered in utilisation plants for 2022

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Dec 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - December 2022

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for December 2022. , January 2023

Year: 2023

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for December 2022 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland.

Guidance on SEA Statements and Monitoring image

Guidance on SEA Statements and Monitoring

Year: 2023

This report is an update of the previous stand-alone guidance document on SEA Statements and monitoring, prepared as part of the EPA-funded project Second Review of SEA Effectiveness in Ireland (González et al., 2020). It is specific to the Irish context but has wider international applicability. The monitoring recommendations include guidance on indicators to facilitate a more consistent and coherent approach at this SEA stage. The updates relate to clarifying some SEA monitoring requirements and to acknowledge the published revised national SEA Guidelines and the Development Plan Guidelines for Planning authorities, both published by the DHLGH in 2022.

Report cover for Assigning WFD Status to Unmonitored Water Bodies in 2013-2018

Assigning WFD Status to Unmonitored Water Bodies in 2013-2018

A technical report outlining the methodologies used in surface waters and groundwaters, December 2022

Year: 2022

The purpose of this technical paper is to outline how status is assigned to the remaining unmonitored surface waters and groundwaters.

Image of front cover of National Waste Statistics Summary Report for 2020

National Waste Statistics Summary Report for 2020

Year: 2022

This report summarises EPA data on waste generation and management in Ireland in 2020. It highlights key trends and progress towards EU targets and identifies where further measures are needed to improve Ireland's recycling rates and deliver the transition to a circular economy. The report collates and synthesises information available on the EPA Waste Statistics webpages: www.epa.ie/nationalwastestatistics

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Nov 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - November 2022

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for November 2022, December 2022

Year: 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland for the month.

ND derogation cover 2021

Water Quality Monitoring Report on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Irish Waters 2021

This report provides an update on the results of water quality monitoring to support the assessment of the impact of the nitrate’s derogation on Irish waters, as required under Regulation 38 of the European Union (Good Agricultural Practices for the Protection of Waters) (Amendment) Regulations. , November 2022

Year: 2022

The data contained in this report finds that nitrate concentrations remain too high in rivers, groundwater and estuaries in the south east and along the southern seaboard. Nationally, although there has been year on year fluctuation in the average nitrate concentration, its apparent that average nitrate concentrations have increased in the last decade in all water types. Compared to a decade ago, on average, approximately an additional 6,000 tonnes of nitrogen is now being discharged to marine waters in the south east and along the southern seaboard of Ireland each year.

Climate Change's Four Irelands cover

Climate Change's Four Irelands

An Audience Segmentation Analysis, November 2022

Year: 2022

This segmentation report is an analysis of the EPA Climate Change in the Irish Mind survey published in 2021, in partnership with Yale University. The report shows that the Irish population can be categorised into four distinct audiences based on attitudes about climate change. The classification shows that the audiences strongly differ on their knowledge, levels of worry, and willingness to take direct action on climate change. The four groups representing a spectrum of views about climate change are identified as the Alarmed, Concerned, Cautious and Doubtful.

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Oct 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - October 2022

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for October 2022, November 2022

Year: 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland for the month.

thumbnail image for UWW Report 2021

Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2021

Year: 2022

This report provides an overview of urban waste water treatment in Ireland during 2021. It identifies the priority issues that must be addressed to protect our environment from the harmful effects of waste water discharges.

Water Quality Summary Report 2016-2021 Cover

Water Quality in Ireland 2016 – 2021 Summary Report

Year: 2022

This report provides summary information on the status of our rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal waters (known collectively as surface waters) and groundwaters. It is based on information collected over a 6-year period from 2016 to 2021 under Ireland’s national water quality monitoring programme from over 4,000 surface water bodies and 514 groundwater bodies. It highlights changes in the condition of these waters, identifies the main problems causing water quality issues and sets out what actions need to be taken to protect this important national resource.

Water Quality Report 2016-2021 Cover

Water Quality in Ireland 2016 – 2021

Year: 2022

This report sets out the latest assessment of the health of Ireland’s rivers, lakes, canals, groundwaters, transitional (estuaries) and coastal waters. The analysis is based on the assessment of over 4,000 surface water bodies and 514 groundwater bodies over the period 2016-2021.
