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Research 219: Characterising the Biological Communities of Rare River Types

Authors: Edel Hannigan and Mary Kelly-Quinn, July 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 219 Characterising the Biological Communities of Rare River Types

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Research 218: Assessment of the Hydrometric Network and Hydrodynamic Behaviour of Small Irish Catchments

Authors: Ahmed Elssidig Nasr and Paul Hynds, June 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 218 on the Assessment of the Hydrometric Network and Hydrodynamic Behaviour of Small Irish Catchments

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Research 217: Beneficial Use of Old Landfills as a Parkland Amenity

Authors: Cathriona Cahill and Cora Plant, June 2017

Year: 2017

EPA Research Report 217 on the Beneficial Use of Old Landfills as a Parkland Amenity

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Research 216: Thermodynamic Modelling of Energy Recovery Options from Digestate at Wastewater Treatment Plants

Authors: Karla Dussan and Rory Monaghan, June 2017

Year: 2017

EPA Research 216 detailing Thermodynamic Modelling of Energy Recovery Options from Digestate at Wastewater Treatment Plants

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Research 214: Suitability of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate

Authors: Raymond B. Brennan, Mark G. Healy, Liam Morrison, Stephen Hynes, Daniel Norton and Eoghan Clifford, June 2017

Year: 2017

Research 214 on the Suitability of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate

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Research 213: Material Reuse Good Practice Guide

Authors: Sarah Miller, Jackie McGloughlin, Olivier Gaillot and Louise Connolly, May 2017

Year: 2017

This report is a Material Reuse Good Practice Guide for anyone interested in extending the life-cycle of their items

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Research 202: Review of Waste/Resource Exchange Systems and Good Practice Guide

Authors: Louise Connolly, Brian McIntyre, Serena Byrne, Brenda McEvoy and Louise Campion, May 2017

Year: 2017

This report is a Review of Waste/Resource Exchange Systems and Good Practice Guide

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Research 215: Going Green Digitally? Environmental Crisis, Consumption Patterns and the Evolving Role of Media

Author: Trish Morgan, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 215 on Going Green Digitally? Environmental Crisis, Consumption Patterns and the Evolving Role of Media

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Research 212: Climate and Air Policy in Ireland: Synergies and Tensions – A GAINS Ireland and Irish TIMES analysis

Authors: Andrew Kelly, Alessandro Chiodi, Miao Fu, Paul Deane and Brian P. Ó Gallachóir, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 212 on Climate and Air Policy in Ireland: Synergies and Tensions – A GAINS Ireland and Irish TIMES analysis

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Research 210: Scope, Fate, Risks and Impacts of Microplastic Pollution in Irish Freshwater Systems

Authors: Anne Marie Mahon, Rick Officer, Róisín Nash and Ian O’Connor, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research report 210 on the Scope, Fate, Risks and Impacts of Microplastic Pollution in Irish Freshwater Systems

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Research 205: CONSENSUS II: Segmentation, Experimentation and Biographies for Sustainability

Authors: Anna Davies, Frances Fahy, Henrike Rau, Laura Devaney, Ruth Doyle, Mary Jo Lavelle and Richard Manton, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research report 205 on CONSENSUS II: Segmentation, Experimentation and Biographies for Sustainability

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Research 199: Irish TIMES Energy Systems Model Phase 2

Authors:Paul Deane, Alessandro Chiodi and Brian Ó Gallachóir, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 199 on Irish TIMES Energy Systems Model Phase 2

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Research 198: The Irish Land Mapping Observatory: Mapping and Monitoring Land Cover, Use and Change

Authors: Fiona Cawkwell, Brian Barrett, Ingmar Nitze, Stuart Green, Kevin Black and Peter Hallahan, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research Report 198 on The Irish Land Mapping Observatory: Mapping and Monitoring Land Cover, Use and Change

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Research 197: Development of Critical Loads for Ireland: Simulating Impacts on Systems (SIOS)

Authors: Julian Aherne, Jason Henry and Marta Wolniewicz, April 2017

Year: 2017

Research report 197 on Development of Critical Loads for Ireland: Simulating Impacts on Systems (SIOS)

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Research 193: Ambient Atmospheric Ammonia in Ireland 2013–2014

Authors: Brian Doyle, Thomas Cummins, Cara Augustenborg and Julian Aherne, April 2017

Year: 2017

EPA Research report on Ambient Atmospheric Ammonia in Ireland 2013–2014

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Research 209: Co-benefits for Water and Biodiversity from the Sustainable Management of High Nature Value Farmland

Authors: James Moran and Caroline Sullivan, April 2017

Year: 2017

Agriculture systems in Europe range from very intensive production on fertile land with high inputs to very extensive High Nature Value (HNV) farmland on marginal land with low inputs.

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Research 208: ESManage Project: Freshwater Ecosystem Services - An Introduction for Stakeholders

Authors: Hugh B. Feeley, Michael Bruen, Craig Bullock, Mike Christie,Fiona Kelly, Kyriaki Remoundou, Ewa Siwicka and Mary Kelly-Quinn, March 2017

Year: 2017

The objective of this project is to harness the knowledge and tools required to embed an appreciation of ecosystem services and the ecosystems services approach into policy and decision-making for sustainable management of water resources, as required by the Water Framework Directive

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Research 207: ESManage Project: Irish Freshwater Resources and Assessment of Ecosystem Services Provision

Authors: Hugh B. Feeley, Michael Bruen, Craig Bullock, Mike Christie, Fiona Kelly and Mary Kelly-Quinn, March 2017

Year: 2017

The objective of this project is to harness the knowledge and tools required to embed an appreciation of ecosystem services and the ecosystems services approach into policy and decision-making for sustainable management of water resources, as required by the Water Framework Directive

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Research 203: Environmental Flow Assessment for Irish Rivers

Authors: Katherine E. Webster, Katie Tedd, Catherine Coxon and Ian Donohue, March 2017

Year: 2017

The overarching goal of this project was to review state of the art EFlow methodology to identify alternatives most suited to the Irish context and for developing flow standards.

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Investigation into the Assessment of Health Impacts within National Environmental Regulation Processes

Report commissioned by the Environmental Protection Agency, March 2017

Year: 2017

In 2013, the EPA commissioned Golder Associates to undertake a study into how human health impacts are dealt with throughout the European Union (EU) by environmental regulators with an emphasis on the role of health impact assessment (HIA) at the planning / environment interface.
