Sustainable Tourism Development: Toward the Mitigation of Tourism Destination Impacts

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2004-SD-MS-21, January 2007

Year: 2007

ERTDI Report 80 - Sheila Flanagan et al.

Towards a National Soil Database

Synthesis report from the ERTDI project: 2002-CD-S2-M2 (D. Fay et al.), January 2007

Year: 2007

ERTDI Report 69 - D. Fay et al.

Digital Soil Information System for Ireland – Scoping Study

ERTDI Report 72 - K. Daly & R. Fealy, January 2007

Year: 2007

Final report for the ERTDI-funded project 2005-S-DS-22-M1

Environmental Management in the Extractive Industry - Non-Scheduled Minerals

Final Report (2000-MS-11-M2) - T. Paul, January 2007

Year: 2007

Final report of ERTDI-funded project: 2000-MS-11-M2

Environmental Management in the Extractive Industry - Non-Scheduled Minerals

ERTDI Report 33 - T. Paul, January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis report of ERTDI-funded project: 2000-MS-11-M2

Biological Approaches to Nutrient Removal in the Irish Food Sector

ERTDI Report 60 - J. Marchesi et al., January 2007

Year: 2007

Final report for the ERTDI project 2001-LS-FW2-M1 by Julian Marchesi, Niall O’Leary, Jill Kirby, Margaret Toomey and Alan Dobson

A Nationwide Review of Pay-By-Use Domestic Waste Collection Charges (PBU) in Ireland: Extensive Survey Findings

Interim Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2005-WRM-MS-33, by A. O'Callaghan-Platt & A. Davies, January 2007

Year: 2007

Interim Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2005-WRM-MS-33, by A. O'Callaghan-Platt & A. Davies

Water Framework Directive: Development of a Methodology for the Characterisation of a Karstic Groundwater Body

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2002-W-DS-8-M1 (S. Tynan et al), January 2007

Year: 2007

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2002-W-DS-8-M1 (S. Tynan et al)

Water Framework Directive: Development of a Methodology for the Characterisation of a Karstic Groundwater Body

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2002-W-DS-8-M1 (S. Tynan et al), January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project 2002-W-DS-8-M1 (S. Tynan et al)

Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources - Field Plot Study

The Impact of the Grazing Animal on Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium and Suspended Solids Loss from Grazed Pastures - ERTDI Report 68 (Tunney et al.), January 2007

Year: 2007

Final Report from the ERTDI-funded project: 2000-LS-2.1.2-M2 - H. Tunney et al

Investigation of the relationship between fish stocks, ecological quality ratings (Q-Values), Environmental factors and degree of Eutrophication

ERTDI Report 73 (Kelly et al.), January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis Report for the project: 2000-MS-4-M1. Authors: Fiona Kelly, Trevor Champ, Neasa McDonnell, Mary Kelly-Quinn, Simon Harrison, Alison Arbuthnott, Paul Giller, Mike Joy, Kieran McCarthy, Paula Cullen, Chris Harrod, Phil Jordan, David Griffiths and Robert Rosell

Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources - Pathways for Nutrient Loss to Water with Emphasis on Phosphorus

ERTDI Report 75 (Kiely et al.), January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis Report for the project: 2000-LS-2.1-M2. Authors: G. Kiely, G.Morgan; R.Moles, P. Byrne; P. Jordan; K. Daly, D. Doody, H. Tunney, I. Kurz, D. Bourke, C. O’Reilly; D. Ryan; N. Holden; E. Jennings, K. Irvine;O. Carton.

Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources - Soil and Phosphorus: Catchment Studies

ERTDI Report 76 (Kiely et al.), January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis Report for the project: 2000-LS-2.1.1a-M2. Authors: Gerard Kiely, Gerard Morgan, Xie Quishi, Richard Moles, Paul Byrne, Bernadette O’Regan, Philip Jordan and Wayne Manary

The Efficiencies Of Subsoils For On-Site Wastewater Disposal With Respect To Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Small Scale Study - Ó Súilleabháin et al , January 2007

Year: 2007

Project looking primarily at surface freshwater resources and the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewater treatment works

The Use and Regulation of Environmental Claims as a Means for Promoting Sustainable Consumption in Ireland

ERTDI Report 52 - Pender et al., January 2007

Year: 2007

Final Report from ERTDI-funded project: 2004-SD-DS-12-M2

Introduction of Weight-Based Charges for Domestic Waste Disposal

ERTDI Report 54 - Scott & Watson, January 2007

Year: 2007

Final Report for ERTDI-funded project: 2000-DS-6-M1

Environmental Attitudes, Values and Behaviour in Ireland

Year: 2007

Synthesis report from the ERTDI-funded project: 2001-MS-SE1-M1

Climate Change: Modelling Carbon Fluxes from Irish Peatlands: Towards the Development of a National Carbon Fluxes Inventory for Irish Peatlands

ERTDI Report 53 - Ward et al., January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis Report for ERTDI-funded project: 2000-LS-5.1.2b-M1
