STRIVE Report 24 thumbnail

Celticflux: Measurement and modelling of Greenhouse gas fluxes from Grasslands and a Peatland in Ireland

Report from EPA ERTDI-funded project 2001-CD-C2-M1, January 2009

Year: 2009

STRIVE Report 24 - Professor Gerard Kiely

Summary of Findings - CELTICFLUX

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 24 (CELTICFLUX: Measurement and Modelling of GHG Fluxes from Grasslands and a Peatland in Ireland), January 2009

Year: 2009

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 24

Current Status and Required Actions for National Climate Observing Systems

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-FS-GC-27-M4, January 2009

Year: 2009

ERC Report 14 - Ned Dwyer

STRIVE Report 15 thumbnail

Air Pollution - Trace Radical Absorption through Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy (TRACES)

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-ET-MS-28-M3 , June 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 15 - U. Heitmann et al

The Value of Parasitic Hymenoptera as Indicators of Biological Diversity

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2003-FS-CD-LS-14-M1, June 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 3 - Annette Anderson & Gordon Purvis

Climate Change – An Analysis of Aerosol Properties at Mace Head

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2000-LS-5.3.2 M1 , June 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 4 - S.G. Jennings et al.

ERC Report 9 thumbnail

Long-term measurements of atmospheric mercury at Mace Head, Carna, Co. Galway

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 9 - Stephan Leinert et al., June 2008

Year: 2008

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 9 - Stephan Leinert et al.

New Transboundary Air Pollution Monitoring Capacity for Ireland

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 10 - Stephan Leinert et al., June 2008

Year: 2008

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 10 - Stephan Leinert et al.

AQUIRE - Air Quality Forecast and Statistics over Ireland

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 11 - Hermann Jakobs, June 2008

Year: 2008

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 11 - Hermann Jakobs

Mitigation of large-scale organic waste damage incorporating a demonstration of a closed loop conversion of poultry waste to energy at the point of source

Summary (2000-LS1-M2) - M. Leahy et al., May 2008

Year: 2008

The overall aim of the project was to develop, demonstrate and test an innovative, practical and cost effective treatment system for poultry litter, and to minimise and abate the impact of land spreading.

Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources - Field- and Catchment-Scale Risk Assessment

ERTDI Report 79 (Magette et al.), January 2008

Year: 2008

Synthesis Report for the project: 2000-LS-2.2.1-M2. Authors: W. Magette, R. Hallissey, K. Hughes, E. Cosgrove

Water Framework Directive: Recharge and Groundwater Vulnerability

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2002-W-MS-16, January 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 6 - Bruce Misstear and Les Brown

Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources - Integrated Report

ERTDI Report 81 (Carton et al.), January 2008

Year: 2008

Integrated Report for the project: 2000-LS-2-M2. Authors: O.T. Carton, H. Tunney, K. Daly, M. Ryan, I. Kurz, D. Doody, D. Bourke, G. Kiely, G. Morgan, R. Moles, P. Jordan, D. Ryan, K. Irvine, E. Jennings, W.L. Magette, M. Bruen, J. Mulqueen, M. Rodgers, P. Johnston and P. Bartley

Water Framework Directive: Marine Ecological Tools for Reference, Intercalibration and Classification (METRIC)

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-W-MS-36, January 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 7 - Cusack et al.

An Improved Understanding Of Phosphorus Fate And Transport Within Groundwater And The Significance For Associated Receptors

Executive Summary (SNIFFER Report - 2008: PROJECT REF: WFD85) - Holman, I. Howden, N. Whelan, M. , January 2008

Year: 2008

The purpose of this study was to develop an improved understanding of the origin (natural and anthropogenic), fate and transport of phosphorus as it moves through the soil, unsaturated zone, saturated zone and hyporheic zone to discharge in rivers, lakes or wetlands.

A framework for the assessment of groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems under the Water Framework Directive

Environmental Research Centre (Final Report of project 2005-W-FS-5), January 2008

Year: 2008

ERC Report 12 - Garrett Kilroy et al.

ERTDI Report 74 thumbnail

Quality of Life and the Environment

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2004-SD-DS-16-M1, January 2008

Year: 2008

ERTDI Report 74 - Bullock et al.

Environmental Sustainability and Future Settlement Patterns in Ireland

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2001-LU/CD-(2/3), January 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 2 - Richard Moles & Bernadette O'Regan

STRIVE Report 1 thumbnail

Island Limits – A Resource Flow Analysis and Ecological Footprint of Ireland

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2004-SD-MS-22-M2, January 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 1 - Cathy Maguire and Robin Curry

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Alternatives Development for Household Waste Management

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2004-LA-FS-21-M2, January 2008

Year: 2008

STRIVE Report 18 - Margaret Desmond
