Climate Change: Estimation of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture and Strategies for their Reduction

ERTDI Report 56 (F. O'Mara et al), January 2007

Year: 2007

Synthesis Report of the ERTDI-funded project: 2000-LS-5.1.1

Key Meteorological Indicators of Climate Change in Ireland

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 6 - L. McElwain and J. Sweeney , January 2007

Year: 2007

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 6 - L. McElwain and J. Sweeney

National Data for Integrated Assessment Modelling under the Clean Air For Europe

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 2 - Cleary et al., September 2006

Year: 2006

Two issues addressed in this preliminary data validation study are: how do most recent emissions in RAINS (for the year 2000) compare with the relevant estimates for Ireland, and how the emissions projected for 2005 and 2010 compare with independent estimates based on available data.

Biodiversity Knowledge Programme for Ireland thumbnail

Biodiversity Knowledge Programme for Ireland

Report by the National Platform for Biodiversity Research, July 2006

Year: 2006

The report by the subcommittee of National Platform for Biodiversity Research, to develop a framework for a biodiversity research programme for Ireland.

Air Pollution - Analysis of Air Dispersion Models for Irish Road Conditions

ERTDI Report 44 - Broderick et al , July 2006

Year: 2006

Ambient air quality measurements in Ireland as determined on the basis of the EU framework directive on ambient air quality assessment and management.

An Overview of the RAINS Model

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 4 - J.A. Kelly, July 2006

Year: 2006

Examines the Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation model, a European-scale integrated assessment model dealing with air quality and associated effects. The model outputs are used in the negotiation, setting and assessment of emission ceiling targets for 2020 under the Gothenburg Protocol and the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive - Author: J.A. Kelly

Review Of Global Atmospheric Watch Sites At Valentia And Mace Head, Ireland

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 3 - Barrie et al, June 2006

Year: 2006

Report of the review of Global Atmospheric Watch sites at Valentia and Mace Head, by Leonard Barrie of the World Meteorological Organization and Keith Puckett of the Meteorological Service of Canada.

Air Pollution - Validation of Air Dispersion Models for Irish Road Conditions

Final Report (2000-LS-6.3-M1) - Broderick et al , June 2006

Year: 2006

Ambient air quality measurements in Ireland as determined on the basis of the EU framework directive on ambient air quality assessment and management.

Long-Term Trends In Atmospheric Pollutants At Valentia Observatory, Ireland

Environmental Research Centre – ERC Report 1 – Bashir et al., June 2006

Year: 2006

EPA National Environmental Research Centre (ERC) report, produced in co-operation with Met Éireann, the first in a series on air pollution and acidification.

Air Pollution – Nature and Origin of PM10 and Smaller Particulate Matter in Urban Air

ERTDI Report 48 – Jennings et al, June 2006

Year: 2006

A study of the major source categories contributing to particulate air pollution in urban and non-urban areas in Ireland. This report was prepared as part of the Environmental Research Technological Development and Innovation Programme under the Productive Sector Operational Programme 2000–2006.

Implications of the EU Climate Protection Target for Ireland

Environmental Research Centre - ERC Report 5 - L. McElwain and J. Sweeney , May 2006

Year: 2006

Environmental Research Centre Report 5 by L. McElwain and J. Sweeney ((NUI Maynooth)

Climate Change – Inverse Modelling Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ireland

ERTDI Report 35 – Jennings et al., May 2006

Year: 2006

An analysis of the Mace Head atmospheric record to provide a synthesis estimate of the fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O for Ireland over the period 1995–2000.The proposed atmospheric method is entirely independent of statistical inventories, and therefore constitutes a unique ‘top–down’ verification of Irish greenhouse gas emissions inventories.

ERTDI Report 54 - Final Report - ERTDI project 2000-DS-6-M1

Year: 2006

Final Report (ERTDI Report 54) of the ERTDI-funded project 2000-DS-6-M1, by Sue Scott and Dorothy Watson (ESRI)

Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources: Models And Risk Assessment Schemes For Predicting Phosphorus Loss To Water

Final Report - ERTDI Report 43 - Daly , May 2006

Year: 2006

Eutrophication study using three modelling approaches to capture a range of modelling complexities and methodologies that could be applied to Irish data. The three modelling studies captured physically based, empirical and risk assessment (multi-criteria) models.

Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources:Relating Catchment Characteristics To Phosphorus Concentrations In Irish Rivers

Final Report - ERTDI Report 42 - Daly et al , May 2006

Year: 2006

Research relating water quality data to catchment characteristics, and deriving a model that describes or predicts P levels in Irish surface waters.

Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources: Phosphorus Concentration And Flow

Final Report - ERTDI Report 40 - Doody et al , May 2006

Year: 2006

Investigates processes controlling phosphorus (P) loss in overland flow, to identify, describe and evaluate mechanisms responsible for this observed increase in dissolved P concentration with an increase in overland flow rate.

Impact Assessment Of Highway Drainage On Surface Water Quality

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 49 - Bruen et al , January 2006

Year: 2006

Assesses the environmental impacts of road run-off including a review of existing practice in road drainage design and maintenance for rural dual carriageways and motorways in Ireland and the assessment of any environmental impacts of such run-off.

Evaluation Of The Use Of The Sodium Dominance Index As A Potential Measure Of Acid Sensitivity

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 50 - Cruikshanks et al , January 2006

Year: 2006

Evaluates the efficacy of the SDI approach to site designation under Irish conditions. The water chemistry of 257 sites across Ireland were examined during base flow. A further 65 sites were sampled at base and elevated flow and more detailed hydrological events were monitored at a smaller number of sites.

Environmental Attitudes And Behaviour: Values, Actions And Waste Management

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 37 - Davies et al , January 2006

Year: 2006

A synthesis of the findings of the research project Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour: Values, Actions and Waste Management

Material Flow Accounts (MFA) – Demonstration for Ireland

Final Report - ERTDI 45 - O'Leary et al , January 2006

Year: 2006

A first attempt at generating material flow accounts (MFAs) for Ireland. Identifies methodologies, as well as major data gaps for the future production of such accounts.
