Ireland’s Environmental Researchers & Framework Programme FP7

Key Achievements of FP7, March 2013

Year: 2013

Achievements of FP7

Joint Programme Initiative: Cultural Heritage and Global Change: A new challenge

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative 'Cultural Heritage and Global Change, February 2013

Year: 2013

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvment with European Joint Programming Initative 'Cultural Heritage and Global Change: A new challenge'

Joint Programme Initiative Climate Change – Connecting Climate Change Knowledge for Europe

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programme Initiative on 'Climate Change – Connecting Climate Change Knowledge for Europe', February 2013

Year: 2013

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programme Initiative on 'Climate Change – Connecting Climate Change Knowledge for Europe'

Joint Programme Initiative: Water – Challenges for a Changing World

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative on 'Water – Challenges for a Changing World', February 2013

Year: 2013

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative on 'Water – Challenges for a Changing World'

Summary of Findings - Evaluating the influence of groundwater pressures on groundwater-dependent wetlands

Authors: Sarah Kimberley and Catherine Coxon, February 2013

Year: 2013

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 100

The Potential for Grass Biomethane as a Biofuel

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 11, February 2013

Year: 2013

This report summarises work done by Dr. Jerry Murphy and his team in the Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork. The team has successfully modified standard technologies used to generate methane from waste and used them to generate methane from grass. The team has also undertaken analysis of the barriers to the development of this technology in Ireland.

CCRP 16 thumbnail

CCRP16 - Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland

Year: 2013

Adaptation is necessary to position Ireland to better cope with the impacts of climate change. This report develops a framework for supporting adaptation to climate change and a tool for assessing adaptation options.

Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 25, February 2013

Year: 2013

As a Party to the UNFCCC and an EU Member State, Ireland is committed to key climate-protection goals, including ensuring that the average global temperature increase is kept below 2°C. Consideration of 2050 goals is therefore essential for planning and achieving the mitigation targets established under the EU 2020 Climate and Energy Package (CEP).

Irish TIMES Energy Systems Model

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report, February 2013

Year: 2013

This project draws on and contributes to the wealth of international energy-systems modelling research activity. It involved building, developing, calibrating, testing and running a (partial equilibrium) energy-systems optimisation model for Ireland – the Irish TIMES model.

CCRP Report 26 thumbnail

The Status of Ireland's Climate, 2012

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 26, February 2013

Year: 2013

This report brings together observational information and data for over 40 climate variables and highlights changes and trends in aspects of Irish climate across the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial domains. The observations presented in this report contribute to the formulation of the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) as defined by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).

STRIVE Report 104 thumbnail

Indoor Air Pollution and Health

Year: 2013

The objective of the Indoor Air Pollution and Health (IAPAH) research project was to quantify the levels of Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) in Irish and Scottish homes where open combustion takes place, and provide an estimate of the potential health burden due to exposure to combustion derived air pollution in the home. IAP concentrations were measured in 100 homes in Ireland and Scotland.

STRIVE Report 102 thumbnail

Extreme Temperatures and Mortality in Ireland

Mathilde Pascal, Pat Goodman, Luke Clancy and Joel Schwartz, January 2013

Year: 2013

STRIVE Report 102

Methodologies For The Estimation Of Sustainable Settlement Size

Synthesis Report - ERTDI report 4 - Moles et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Meeting immediate needs of National Spatial Strategy

Methodologies For The Estimation Of Sustainable Settlement Size

Final Report - ERTDI report 4 - Moles at al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Identifies key links between sizes of settlements and their sustainability.

Development Of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Methodologies For Plans And Programmes In Ireland

Synthesis Report - ERTDI report 18 - Scott et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

This research project aimed to develop an SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) methodology for the successful implementation of the SEA Directive.

Development Of Strategic Environmental Assessment Methodologies For Plans And Programmes In Ireland

Final Report - ERTDI report 18 - Scott et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Developing a suitable methodology in SEAs of development plans and programmes in Ireland

Preliminary Study Of The Needs Associated With A National Ecological Network

Synthesis Report - ERTDI report 5 - Tubridy et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Report on a background study for the National Spatial Strategy


CréBeo – Summary of Findings: STRIVE 67

Authors: Olaf Schmidt, Aidan M. Keith, Julio Arroyo, Tom Bolger, Bas Boots, John Breen, Nicholas Clipson, Fiona M. Doohan, Christine T. Griffin, Christina Hazard, Robin Niechoj, January 2013

Year: 2013

Summary of Findings: STRIVE 67


Identification, Mapping, Assessment and Quantification of the Effects of Disturbance on the Peat Soil Carbon Stock in Ireland

Identification, Mapping, Assessment and Quantification of the Effects of Disturbance on the Peat Soil Carbon Stock in Ireland, January 2013

Year: 2013

STRIVE 98: John Connolly and Nicholas Holden

Water Framework Directive – The Application Of Mathematical Models As Decision-Support Tools (2002-W-DS-11) Final Report

Final Report (2002-W-DS/11-M1)- Irvine et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Identifies and reviews many situations where mathematical modelling can be a useful tool to assist in the understanding of hydrological and chemical transport and processes that occur in catchments, and the ecological response to anthropogenic alterations that affect them.
